Aladino Corojo Cigars, a testament to the rich legacy of Julio R. Eiroa, a distinguished figure in the tobacco industry since 1962. Hailing from Cuba, Julio's expertise in cultivation and craftsmanship has now found its expression in the heart of Honduras. Partnering with his son Justo, they have revived the essence of Honduran cigars with Aladino, housed in the Las Lomas Cigar Factory nestled in the Jamastran Valley. Aladino resonates with aficionados seeking the authenticity of "old school" Honduran blends, meticulously crafted with wrapper, binder, and filler leaves sourced exclusively from Julio's own farms. This renowned blend features the elusive Cuban Corojo seed, meticulously cultivated and controlled by Julio himself, offering a distinctive taste that evokes nostalgia for seasoned enthusiasts.