Since its debut in 1985, Ashton has risen to become one of the world's leading luxury cigar brands, cherished by enthusiasts across 60 countries. Renowned for its exceptional quality and consistent, delightful taste, Ashton cigars are crafted by the legendary Carlito Fuente using only the finest aged tobaccos. The original Ashton Classic blend, rated 92, remains highly coveted among aficionados. Wrapped in a golden-blond Connecticut Shade wrapper, these cigars feature a blend of premium Dominican long-fillers in various traditional sizes. With tasting notes of cedar, cashew, coffee bean, and almond complemented by a hint of spice, Ashton cigars offer a smooth and velvety profile aged to perfection. Experience superb construction and aroma in this mild, creamy blend, a benchmark of premium Dominican taste for over three decades. Explore Ashton cigars now on 2GuysCigars.com for an unparalleled smoking experience