Experience the unique "split screen" journey of the Asylum Serenity Now, Insanity Later cigars, crafted by C.L.E. Cigar President Christian Eiroa. This innovative brand embodies a duality of flavors, with the Serenity Now blend offering a smooth and refined smoking experience, while the Insanity Later blend delivers an aggressive, complex, and bold profile. Inspired by the contrasting personalities of Christian and Asylum Co-Founder Tom Lazuka, these cigars symbolize their yin and yang relationship.
The Serenity Now blend features Honduran and South American tobaccos enveloped in a Connecticut wrapper, while the full-bodied Insanity Later boasts a proprietary blend binder and filler encased in a Habano wrapper. Indulge in this harmonious yet exhilarating smoking experience, available now at 2GuysCigars.com.