They say money isn’t everything and they are right; this blend is priced so low you will question how the factory El Artista makes any money. The answer is: they make cigars, not money.
Buffalo TEN is a study in the art of cigar making. From the toothy Mexican San Andres wrapper of the Maduro, to the rare Negrito tobacco binder, and the exclusive 7+ years aged T-13 hybrid in the filler, this cigar is packed with flavor. Floral, sweet, and a hint of exotic spice offers a blend unparalleled in price or quality and reminds you why you smoke El Artista Cigars: The best tobacco at the best price.
The Natural features a chestnutty and spicy Ecaudorian Habano, with Indonesian Binder, and packed with incredible tobaccos From the USA, DR, Nicaragua.
Buffalo TEN Connecticut is a sweet and fragrant blend featuring a smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, a sweet Cameroon binder and filler tobaccos from Dominican Republic and Nicaragua for an incredibly smooth and unique smoke.
At these prices you can't go wrong!