Indulge in the rich heritage of Cabañas Cigars, a revered name steeped in the centuries-old tradition of tobacco craftsmanship. Originating as a supplier to the Spanish crown, Cabañas pioneered the introduction of Havana 'segars' to England and the United States in the 19th century. Today, the legacy lives on in Nicaragua, where each cigar is meticulously crafted with a Habano Rosado wrapper enveloping a blend of Nicaraguan filler and binder. Offering a medium to full-bodied experience, Cabañas cigars tantalize the palate with exquisite notes of coffee, roasted peanuts, molasses, and a hint of spice. Cabañas was inducted into The Cigar Hall of Fame in 2023. Explore the timeless elegance of Cabañas Cigars, available now at 2GuysCigars.com.