Discover the exquisite Davidoff Grand Cru Cigars, inspired by Zino Davidoff’s passion for fine wines and crafted to deliver an unparalleled luxury smoking experience. Introduced in 1946, Davidoff Grand Cru Series cigars echo the art of wine blending, featuring a meticulous selection of Dominican tobaccos akin to the diverse grapes of a Bordeaux wine. Each cigar boasts a rich profile with a harmonious blend of three expertly aged Dominican long fillers and binders, enveloped in a smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper.
Whether you prefer the Grand Cru Toro or Robusto, expect a mellow-medium bodied smoke with complex notes of hazelnut, toasted bread, cream, baking spices, cedar, and subtle cocoa. Available in 5 popular sizes and convenient boxes of 25 or affordable 5-packs, these cigars are a must-have for any humidor. Shop now on 2GuysCigars.com for fast delivery and indulge in the refined taste of Davidoff Grand Cru.