Discover the unparalleled excellence of EP Carrillo Encore Cigars, a masterpiece crafted by Ernesto Perez Carrillo following the acclaim of La Historia. This award-winning cigar, crowned Cigar Aficionado's number one cigar of 2018 with the Majestic scoring an impressive 96, showcases the magic Carrillo is renowned for. As the first purely Nicaraguan cigar in the EP Carrillo family series, the Encore features meticulously aged fillers, binders, and wrappers from the fertile volcanic regions of Condega, Jalapa, and Esteli. The unique "tercios" fermentation process imparts distinct flavors and aromas, resulting in a full-flavored, medium to full-bodied smoke with a smooth draw and even burn. Available in four sizes, including Celestial, Valientes, Majestic, and El Primero, the EP Carrillo Encore is a testament to premium craftsmanship. Elevate your smoking experience and indulge in the luxurious EP Carrillo Encore cigars, available now at 2GuysCigars.com.