EP Carrillo Encore Noir Cigars, exclusively available on 2GuysCigars.com. Crafted with a rich Ecuadoran wrapper and a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers, these cigars offer a bold yet balanced flavor profile. The Majestic No. 2 shape, measuring 5 3/8 inches by 52 ring gauge, provides a satisfying smoking experience.
With production limited to just 500 boxes this year in the US, each containing 10 cigars, these rounded cigars are a rare find. These 500 boxes will be available exclusively at U.S. events featuring Jorge Fernandez Maique of E.P. Carrillo.
The EPC Encore Noir boasts a darker wrapper than the original Encore but isn't as dark or strong as the Encore Black, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a medium-strong smoke.
Secure your box of Encore Noir today and indulge in a unique, limited-edition experience.