Discover the unparalleled excellence of EP Carrillo Pledge cigars at 2GuysCigars.com. Crafted by the legendary Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, these cigars epitomize his unrivaled expertise and passion for tobacco. The EP Carrillo Pledge features a masterful blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers, an exquisite Ecuadorian binder, and a rich Habano Connecticut wrapper. This combination delivers a symphony of flavors, including cedar, leather, peanut, bread, baked apple, spiced oak, and licorice, creating a complex and unforgettable smoking experience. Named Cigar Aficionado's Best Cigar of 2020 with a remarkable rating of 98, the EP Carrillo Pledge is a testament to cigar-making perfection. Elevate your cigar collection with this award-winning masterpiece today.