Indulge in the unparalleled richness of Garofalo La Famiglia Maduro Cigars, meticulously crafted to perfection. Each cigar in this esteemed line boasts a decadent Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper, delivering a symphony of bold flavors and enticing aromas. Hand-crafted with precision, these cigars feature a bespoke blend of Cuban-seed Nicaraguan tobaccos, sourced exclusively from Perdomo’s renowned farms in Estelí, Condega, and Jalapa Valley. This extraordinary collaboration between David Garofalo, a distinguished New England retailer, and Nick Perdomo Jr., the esteemed president, and CEO of Perdomo Cigars, ensures an unparalleled smoking experience that aficionados crave. Experience the epitome of luxury and taste with Garofalo La Famiglia Maduro Cigars, available now."