Discover the exceptional HVC Hot Cake Cigars at 2GuysCigars.com, crafted by Reiner Lorenzo to celebrate his heritage and uphold the rich traditions of Cuban cigars. This remarkable follow-up to the Pan Caliente features a unique blend that combines Nicaraguan corojo 99 from Jalapa and corojo 98 from Estelí for the binder, along with viso leaves of corojo 2006 maduro as the filler.
Topped with a stunning Mexican San Andrés wrapper, these medium to full-bodied cigars deliver an impressive flavor profile characterized by enticing notes of wood, earth, chocolate, pepper, and a delightful natural sweetness that lingers throughout the smoke. Named Hot Cakes for a reason, these cigars promise to sell quickly, so don’t miss out—grab your box today and indulge in an unforgettable smoking experience!