Discover the bold return of Kristoff Vengeance Cigars, a revival of the popular 2011 blend, now available at 2GuysCigars.com. This medium to full-bodied cigar features a rich, oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper over a robust blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Indonesian tobaccos. Each puff reveals complex notes of espresso bean, graham cracker, and a hint of cayenne spice, creating a layered and intriguing flavor profile. Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Kristoff Vengeance cigars are presented in rustic 20-count boxes, each with a distinctive pigtail cap and closed foot. Elevate your smoking experience with this dark, succulent cigar—an excellent value for your humidor. Shop Kristoff Vengeance today and experience the bold flavors and craftsmanship that Kristoff is known for.