Celebrate the remarkable legacy of La Flor Dominicana with the exclusive LFD 30 Years cigars, available at 2GuysCigars.com.
Since 1994, Litto and Ines Gomez have been crafting world-renowned cigars in Tamboril, Dominican Republic, evolving from their initial venture into mild cigars to the robust and flavorful masterpieces they produce today. The LFD 30 Years cigar, a limited-edition marvel, pays homage to three decades of excellence.
Each cigar, meticulously hand-rolled in the iconic Chisel size, boasts a 6 1/2 inch length and a 58 ring gauge, featuring an Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed wrapper, a Cotui binder, and fillers from La Canela, Dominican Republic. Encased in bespoke humidors, with only 2,000 available worldwide, these cigars offer a symphony of rich, indulgent flavors and invigorating spice. Priced at $30 each, the LFD 30 Years is a rare investment in unparalleled craftsmanship and timeless elegance, perfect for the discerning aficionado.