Experience the bold flavors of La Flor Dominicana Ligero Cigars, crafted in the Dominican Republic by the renowned Litto Gomez. These full-bodied cigars feature a choice of either a light-brown Natural wrapper or a rich, dark Oscuro wrapper. The Natural version, rated 92 points, offers a complex profile with notes of leather, cedar, nuts, and subtle hints of pepper and floral undertones. Meanwhile, the Maduro delivers robust flavors of black pepper, red pepper, espresso, and raisin with a touch of sweetness. Known for their powerful kick and exceptional quality, La Flor Dominicana Ligero Cigars are perfect for those who appreciate a strong, flavorful smoke. Whether you choose the Natural or Maduro, each cigar showcases the masterful use of ligero long-fillers, promising a rewarding and dynamic smoking experience.