Discover the Muestra de Saka by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust, a coveted line of ultra-premium cigars crafted by the renowned Steve Saka. These exclusive Nicaraguan puros are meticulously rolled at the legendary Joya de Nicaragua factory, embodying Saka's signature blending style. Available now on 2GuysCigars.com are the Krakatoa and #GFY Lancero Collection.
The Krakatoa, inspired by the infamous volcanic eruption, features an Ecuador Habano Grade A1 wrapper, Nicaraguan sun-grown binder, and a rich blend of Nicaraguan Broadleaf, Criollo, and Corojo fillers.
The GFY Lancero Collection offers ten unique lancero blends, including the elusive #NLMTTHA Lancero and an array of six different wrappers, perfect for aficionados seeking a distinctive smoking experience. Shop now and experience the unparalleled craftsmanship of Muestra de Saka on 2GuysCigars.com.