2GuysCigars.com, in collaboration with Single Cask Nation and Aganorsa Leaf Cigars, is thrilled to reveal their third Single Cask Nation Cigar collaboration project. This unique cigar experience blends expert cigar craftsmanship, and a distinctive bourbon barrel aging process available exclusively at 2GuysCigars.com
The previous two Single Cask Nation Cigar projects were released in 2019 & 2021. All three projects combine top-quality Nicaraguan tobacco with the distinctive flavors of bourbon and rye carefully selected by the Single Cask Nation team.
“This project is always one of the most challenging to execute. Ensuring the barrel contributes just the right amount to the flavor and aroma requires extreme attention to detail and my personal supervision over the entire progression, a process which on average takes two years before we are ready for release.” Terence Reilly, Aganorsa Leaf’s VP of Sales and Marketing continues, “That said, the extra effort makes it also one of the most rewarding projects and it’s always a pleasure to work with 2guyscigars.com and Single Cask Nation on these barrel aged releases, especially when the boxes sell out so fast!”
The standout feature of this collaboration is the barrel used for aging the cigars—an MGP bourbon cask. The bourbon from this barrel was bottled in partnership with Carey Hart & his Good Ride Charity. Carey Hart is a well-known Motocross athlete and husband of the iconic singer Pink.
Cigar Details:
- Blend: Habano Wrapper
- Binder: Corojo 99, and Criollo 98 Double Binder
- Fillers: Corojo 99 and Criollo 98
- Size: 6 x 48
- Price: $14 per single cigar, $140 per box of 10
- Limited Availability: Only 200 boxes are up for grabs.
- On-Sale Date: December 4th 10am at 2guyscigars.com
“It’s been an honor to work with Aganorsa Leaf and 2GuysCigars.com on what is now our 3rd collaborative cigar. Because Jason, Jess, and I are whisky drinkers first and cigar smokers second we’re lucky to have our Cigar Czar, Yoni Miller, on board to work hand in hand Aganorsa Leaf. The qualities and nuanced flavors from our bourbon cask marry so well with, and enhance, the rich flavors of the tobaccos chosen for this stick. It all makes for a truly great smoking experience! What’s more is, this cigar, paired with our Charitable “Good Ride 'Tanks for Troops'” bourbon, a collaborative bottling with Carey Hart, is a match made in heaven.” Said Joshua Hatton, Co-Founder and CEO of Single Cask Nation.
Yoni Miller, Single Cask Nation’s ‘Cigar Czar,’ added “this cigar is very different than the other two batches- the barrel influence comes more on the mouthfeel and lingers afterwards. It’s a true finish of flavor in addition to the “maturation” of the cigar.”
With a total of only 200 boxes made, these are extremely limited and won't last long.